Utah Music Foundation Privacy Statement
The Utah Music Foundation abides by the following principles with respect to data protection and data privacy:
Data minimization: we only collect personal data necessary to fulfill the objectives of our organization.
Consent and legitimate purposes: we only collect personal data with the consent of those providing their data, or for other lawful purposes, and we only process data for legitimate purposes connected to the objectives of our organization.
Security: we prioritize keeping personal data provided to us secure using reasonable technological and other methods consistent with the data provided.
Data retention: we only keep personal data we collect for as long as it is necessary to help us fulfill the objectives of our organization.
No sale of data: we never sell any personal data we collect.
Your Data
Depending on how you interact with the Utah Music Foundation, we may collect different categories of personal data.
Website Visitor
When you visit our website your activity is tracked through cookies from Squarespace. You can find their cookie policy here. These cookies help us to analyze your use of our site (i.e. which pages get the most visitors). The data collected by these cookies is anonymized.
Mailing List or contacting us via Email
If you subscribe to our mailing list or contact us via email, we retain your email address and other personal data you may provide for communication purposes only. We do not sell or distribute your email address or other personal data to any individual or organization outside the Utah Music Foundation.
Scholarship Applicants
If you apply for a scholarship we retain your scholarship application for the duration of the selection process. If you are not selected to receive a scholarship we retain your application and related data for as long as it is necessary to help us fulfill the objectives of our organization.
If you are a selected applicant we retain your application and related data until we no longer have a need for it to fulfill the objectives of our organization. Certain elements of selected applicants personal data, such as name, photo, and bio, are displayed on our website and in communications by the organization.
Scholarship Selectors
If you select scholarship recipients we retain your personal data for communication and other purposes related to the selection of scholarship recipients. Your email address and other personal data are retained after a selection process for use in future selection processes.
Questions and Requests to Remove Data
If you have questions about our use of your personal data or if you wish to have your personal data updated or removed, please contact us at info@utahmusicfoundation.org
Utah Music Foundation Conflict of Interest Policy
The Utah Music Foundation requires disclosure of any conflict of interest by its board of directors, scholarship selectors, and anyone else in a decision making or employment role with the Utah Music Foundation.
While there are many types of conflicts of interest, the following are common types of conflicts that may arise:
a financial or monetary interest in another corporation or venture that could benefit from decisions made by the Utah Music Foundation.
a family connection or similar close association between a scholarship applicant and selector or person for whom a scholarship is named.
Requirements for Board Members
All members of the Board of Directors are required to disclose any potential conflict of interest during a board meeting or any other setting where a decision is being made that could be influenced by the conflict of interest.
When a conflict of interest is disclosed, all members without such conflict will, by simple majority, vote on whether to allow the member with the conflict to participate in the discussion and decision making of the matter at hand. These actions will be duly recorded in meeting minutes.
Requirements for Scholarship Selectors
All individuals selecting recipients for scholarships must be mindful of any potential conflict of interest. Immediate family members of the selector (defined as children, siblings, and parents, including through marriage or adoption) may not be selected as a recipient of a Utah Music Foundation scholarship by that selector. Selection of other family members, friends, and acquaintances must be made in an impartial manner with disclosure to the Board of Directors. The selector must be able to justify to the Board of Directors any selection.
Each selector must affirm the following when submitting their selection for a scholarship recipient:
I affirm that the selection of this recipient was made in an impartial manner based on objective criteria and that the selected recipient is not a member of my immediate family. I have disclosed any conflict of interest I may have.
Requirements for Scholarship Applicants
Applicants cannot apply for scholarships if they have an immediate family relationship (defined as children, siblings, and parents, including through marriage or adoption) to the person for whom a scholarship is named. Applicants must confirm in their application if they have such a relationship.
Adopted by the Board of Directors on 24 January 2023 and reviewed annually by the Board